very sexy of me to eat all the soap and die on the bathroom floor, innit?
hnrrg. i should wake up earlier.
hosting a RP today. admittedly incredibly anxious...
rp went very well. the start was rocky as shit, but i pulled through and managed to drop the bombshell that was the ending.
also i squeezed a tube of gel so hard it made a fucking laser-like blast of gel. that was awesome.
honestly thinking of stopping doing this. i get anxious about showing my site specifically cause of this part of it. what if my takes are shit and i get roasted in the open fires of hell?
i might close this off and delete the link in my index or smth
on brighter news, i played and finished deadbolt. it was a nice game
watched a never ever video from emplemon, the homer's enemy one.
while i do appreciate his videos, essay videos like these cause my head to get fuzzy. not to mention how long they are.
it's not that they're bad, it's just that he's talking about One Thing for Fifty Minutes or something. maybe 1 hour or more. kinda hard to preserve attention and interest on a topic for 50 minutes, especially when i'm easily distracted.
I listened to the last few parts of this stream
It made my mental breakdown yesterday look like a baby boy.
today i learned that people are taking the next day, 9/10 very seriously
it's interesting how a following of people dedicated for a day can form out of a little joke, it's impressive
What's 9 + 10?
aw DAMMIT i missed 3 days in a row on this. darn
Delta Rune
pretty cool of me to sleep for 30-ish minutes and feel better
i deltaruned all the way til 2 am i'm so god damn sleepy right now.